The young Júlia Quintino, 21, died on Wednesday (4th) after undergoing a silicone implant procedure in Juína (MT) – located about 740 km from the capital Cuiabá, northwest of the state.
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According to the Civil Police, the young woman exhibited symptoms of dyspnea, tachycardia, and diffuse cranial brain injury.
What happened?
- Júlia had complications during her breast implant surgery (mammoplasty);
- She was later transferred from Juína to Cuiabá and was admitted to Santa Casa de Misericórdia hospital on Tuesday, the 3rd;
- However, Júlia did not survive and was declared brain dead.

In an interview with g1 website, Júlia’s mother, Márcia Quintino, mentioned that after the anesthesia was administered, her daughter did not respond. According to her, Júlia was transferred to the capital and underwent tests that confirmed brain death.
+ Click here to watch Júlia Quintino’s videos on Tik Tok
Marcia said her daughter worked as a manager in a women’s clothing store along with her older sister in the municipality of Castanheira, 780 km from Cuiabá.
Júlia was very active on social media where she had a channel on TikTok with more than 1,200 followers.
Family and friends mourn
On social media, Júlia’s family and friends mourned her passing.
“I love you beyond life,” said Renata Tinoco, Júlia’s sister.
“I will always remember you, Júlia, with much affection. My sweet, intelligent, attentive, and beautiful student. Such a pleasant girl,” stated Fernanda Santos de Oliveira.
Photos and video: Tiktok Screenshot