Learn the Pros and Cons of Eating Chocolate

Learn the Pros and Cons of Eating Chocolate
Learn the Pros and Cons of Eating Chocolate. Photo: pexels

Is it harmful to indulge in this delicious sweet? According to experts, the problem lies in excess and the type of chocolate you consume.

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What many people don’t know is that chocolate is packed with compounds that are good for your health. However, it’s essential to pay attention to the product’s label to know what you’re consuming. For example, cocoa beans are rich in flavonoids that have antioxidant properties and neutralize free radicals, protecting against inflammation and other diseases. They also have a vasodilating effect, which is why they are associated with lower blood pressure and combating platelet aggregation, protecting against cardiovascular diseases. Cocoa also contains tryptophan, which stimulates the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, inducing feelings of pleasure.

The problem is that the chocolates typically consumed don’t just contain cocoa but also sugar and fats, which are the actual components associated with weight gain – which, in turn, are risk factors for various diseases.

“The problem isn’t the ingredient; it’s the quantity,” says nutritionist Paula Victória Félix, a doctoral candidate at the School of Public Health at the University of São Paulo. She explains that there are ways to enjoy chocolate without harming your health or your waistline.

If children receive many chocolate eggs, the ideal approach is to store some and consume them gradually over weeks or months. Brazil is one of the countries with the most “chocoholics”: each Brazilian consumes about three kilograms of cocoa per year. We are the seventh largest producer globally (the first being Ivory Coast), and the primary production is concentrated in Bahia and Pará.

In terms of sales volume, Brazil ranks fifth, and the chocolate industry produced nearly 700,000 tons in 2021 alone, a 35.9% increase compared to 2020, according to data from the Brazilian Association of the Chocolate, Peanut, and Candy Industry (Abicab).

More Cocoa, Less Sugar

Firstly, opt for the product with the highest cocoa content possible, as it contains less sugar. Then, limit yourself to a maximum of 3 or 4 squares a day, or a portion of 25g (approximately 130 calories). This way, you can enjoy this delicious treat and celebrate Easter without guilt.
Additionally, the amount of cocoa in various chocolate products and brands varies significantly, which is why many studies on the health effects of this food are inconclusive. “It’s challenging to make comparisons and, therefore, recommend a beneficial dose for disease prevention,” says the nutritionist.

Source: Einstein Agency

The post Learn the Pros and Cons of Eating Chocolate first appeared on Einstein Agency.

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