How to Create a Home Spa to Reconnect with Yourself

How to Create a Home Spa to Reconnect with Yourself
Illustration: Ela Saude

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, having a home spa day is probably not your top priority, and self-care can easily be neglected. However, remember: there’s nothing wrong with taking a break and finding comfort in a beauty routine.

In fact, there are real benefits to relieving stress alone through a relaxing bath, for example. Plus, a spa day doesn’t have to be extravagant and can be done with what you already have at home.

Dry Body Brushing

For a complete exfoliation, celebrity esthetician Joanna Vargas recommends dry body brushing. “Dry brushing increases blood flow and stimulates collagen production, which helps strengthen the skin. It also drastically increases elasticity, so it’s great for lifting and toning.”

She recommends starting at the top of your feet and brushing upwards towards your heart. “Don’t forget to include the back of your arms and back,” she notes. Do this before getting in the shower and follow with your regular routine.

Bathtub + Face Mask

If you have a bathtub at home but never find time to use it, now is the time! “After my kids go to bed, sometimes I feel like I haven’t had a moment to myself all day,” says Joanna. “Before bed, I like to relax in the tub, and I love to pair a great bath with a face mask.”

To make your bath more spa-like, she adds aromatic chamomile and rosemary to the water, as they help calm and hydrate the skin.

Hand Spa

“My hands have been dry and sensitive from all the washing lately,” Joanna says. To soften them, she uses a hand cream with shea butter. “It’s a great ingredient for soothing and repairing overnight,” she explains. You can also give yourself a quick hand massage while applying the cream.
How to Create a Home Spa to Reconnect with Yourself

Lip Hydration

This could be the easiest step of your self-care routine. Just choose a moisturizing lip balm and apply a thick layer before bed or whenever your lips are chapped.

Relaxing Bath with Scented Candles

Even if you don’t have a bathtub, your shower can still feel spa-worthy with just a few scented candles around the bathroom. “I’ve started trying to slow down during my shower instead of rushing out in five minutes,” says Lindsay Schallon, senior beauty editor at Glamour. “One thing that helps me focus on self-care is lighting a candle and taking a few deep breaths in front of it.”

Foot Spa

Dry, cracked heels are a nightmare for any woman. To combat this problem, Lindsay enjoys a foot soak with bath salts while watching her favorite series.

Self Lymphatic Massage During or After a Shower

If you’ve ever had a lymphatic drainage massage, you know how relaxing it can be. Fortunately, it’s not that hard to do it at home. “Gently massage your body away from the extremities and towards the collarbones,” advises esthetician Alicia Yoon. “For everything above the neck, massage towards the collarbones using a small amount of pressure.”

To incorporate this routine into your shower, she suggests: “A great way to include this massage is by doing these movements while applying body wash or when applying body lotion right after your shower.”

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