Adopted by Celebrities to Enhance Buttocks, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Draws Attention for Its Risks

Adopted by Celebrities to Enhance Buttocks, Brazilian Butt Lift Draws Attention for Its Risks
Adopted by Celebrities to Enhance Buttocks, Brazilian Butt Lift Draws Attention for Its Risks. Photo: Pexels

Despite being described as “the most dangerous plastic surgery in the world,” the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) continues to gain followers.

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the procedure, which promises to enhance and lift the buttocks, was performed around 40,000 times in the United States in 2020.

Inspired by the body of the Brazilian woman, the technique has been adopted by celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian. Despite its high complexity, the surgery has often been offered by professionals who are not plastic surgeons, which can pose a significant health risk to patients.

What is the Brazilian Butt Lift?

It is an aesthetic procedure aimed at enhancing the glutes. “The procedure involves grafting fat from the patient’s own body and inserting it into the glutes, in an area outside the muscles where there is already fat and blood vessels are smaller,” explains Leonardo Rodrigues, plastic surgeon at Dermo Plast Clinic and a full member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.

The specialist points out that the BBL surgery is recommended only for those who have fat to be liposuctioned, as it is this fat that will be injected into the glutes after filtration, to add volume and shape. In other words, to perform a BBL, one must necessarily undergo liposuction.

According to Leonardo, the procedure includes incisions smaller than 0.5 centimeters, and recovery usually lasts between seven and 15 days.

The Risks of BBL

According to the plastic surgeon, the most common risks of BBL are thrombosis and embolism.

Leonardo explains that often patients do not receive adequate pre- and post-surgery guidance, which increases the risk of complications. For good recovery, he emphasizes the need to stop using contraceptive pills before the surgery and to undergo prophylaxis with appropriate medications. After the procedure, it is essential to wear compression stockings and take light walks.

Nutrition is also a key factor in recovery from the surgery. “I always recommend consuming proteins, which are essential for healing and collagen synthesis, as well as vegetables, greens, and fruits rich in vitamins A, B, and C,” comments the professional. A healthy diet is also essential to maintain the results of liposuction.

To reduce swelling caused by fluid retention, those in the postoperative process should consume between two to three liters of water per day.

Due to the high complexity of the surgery, as well as its aftercare and medical follow-up, the procedure should not be performed by professionals who are not certified plastic surgeons.

How to Enhance Glutes Without BBL

For those who do not wish to or cannot undergo liposuction for BBL, other options can be cautiously considered with a plastic surgeon. “There are options for materials not derived from the body, such as hyaluronic acid or even the inclusion of buttock implants,” explains Leonardo. However, he emphasizes that it is important to avoid materials like polymethylmethacrylate (known as metacrylate), due to their high level of subsequent complications.

One person who suffered from such adverse side effects from unregulated procedures was singer Cardi B. In a 2018 interview with “GQ,” she revealed that she had invested $800 in a procedure with injectable substances to enhance her glutes, but the result did not meet her expectations.

Cardi B shared that the injections were administered in the basement of an apartment in New York, without anesthesia. “It was the worst pain ever. I felt like I was going to pass out. And it leaked for about five days,” the singer detailed.

Such accounts highlight the importance of undergoing aesthetic procedures only with certified professionals in safe environments. Despite the desire for the “perfect body,” it is essential to prioritize health and overall well-being over aesthetics.

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