What is the minimum amount of se… necessary for a healthy life? More than just a number to brag about with friends, the frequency with which the activity is practiced enhances various benefits of se…
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Among these benefits are stress and anxiety relief, calorie burning, strengthening of the pelvic muscles, and increased self-esteem.
So, the right question is: am I having the right amount of sex for me? Information from the “Irish Examiner” reveals the answer.
Global market research company Ipsos conducted a study that proved people’s perception of the sexual frequency of young adults aged 18 to 29 was mistaken.
In the survey, men estimated that women in this age group would have sexual intercourse about 23 times a month, while women estimated that men would have sex around 13 to 15 times a month.
However, the latest National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) in the UK, one of the largest and most detailed studies on sexual behavior in the world, revealed that less than half of the respondents aged 16 to 44 had sex at least once a week.
The research also revealed that the monthly average of sexual intercourse for men aged 35 to 44 is three times. For women, it’s only two times. 13.2% of women and 14.4% of men surveyed had sex more than 10 times a month, and 27.2% of women and 23.1% of men reported not having sex in the previous month.
Does a lot of sex make a difference?
The lack of information and the taboo surrounding discussions about sexual frequency may give the impression that people have more sex than they actually do, but don’t worry: Amy Muise, a researcher in sexuality and relationships at the University of Toronto, Canada, assures that having sex once a week is a great frequency.
In 2015, Amy found that people who had sex less than once a month were less happy than those who had sex once a week; however, having sex more than once a week did not bring a corresponding increase in happiness.
When it comes to love, quality is better than quantity.
Much of human intimate behavior is not about physical pleasure, but emotional connection.