Influencer with Lipedema Criticizes the Fashion Industry: “Need for More Inclusion”

Victoria Matos. Photo: Courtesy of Instagram @soyvictoriamatosa

“I’m forced to choose pieces that aren’t really suited for my body, which affects my self-esteem,” states Victoria Matos, boasting about 4.4 million followers on Instagram.

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26-year-old influencer Victoria Matos faces a daily battle with lipedema, a condition often mistaken for obesity.

Recently, she candidly discussed the challenges of finding suitable clothing for those contending with this condition, taking a sharp jab at the fashion industry.

Victoria Matos shared her personal experience and the fashion-related hurdles she faces.

“It’s incredibly frustrating. Lipedema affects the way fat distributes on my body, leading to a disproportionate fat buildup in my legs and hips.

This means that even if I lose weight, my legs remain significantly bulky,” Victoria expressed. “Sadly, the fashion industry seems to overlook individuals like me.

Few brands genuinely cater to the needs of those living with lipedema.”

The influencer emphasized the scarcity of clothing options that meet her specific needs, like garments providing adequate compression and comfort. “Finding clothes that fit well and make me feel confident is an ongoing search.

Often, I’m compelled to settle for pieces that aren’t truly suited for my physique, which dampens my self-worth,” she remarked.

Victoria Matos underscored the dire need for increased inclusivity in the fashion realm. “People with lipedema also deserve to feel beautiful and comfortable in their attire. It’s not merely about fashion; it’s about representation and acceptance. No brands cater to us, and that has to change.”

The influencer is leveraging her platform to raise awareness about lipedema and challenge the fashion industry to embrace a broader array of body types in their collections.

“I’m committed to championing those who also grapple with lipedema.

Fashion ought to be for everyone, not just tailored to a stereotypical mold. Let’s push for change and make fashion genuinely inclusive,” concluded Victoria Matos.

influencer, critique of the fashion industry, Influencer, Instagram, lipedema, Need for more inclusion, Victoria Matos.

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