Is it safe to have sex underwater?

Fazer amor embaixo d'água é seguro?
Is it safe to have sex underwater? Photo: pexels

When it comes to fetishes, you may have the desire to try – or have already tried – having sex underwater. After all, what could be more sensual than surrendering to unplanned pleasure in a pool or waterfall, when you are already nearly naked? But is this practice safe?

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The simple answer is: no! Having sex underwater is not safe – and it can have consequences for your intimate health.

Why you should not have sex underwater

According to “POPSUGAR,” the source of this information, water can dissipate all the natural lubrication from your vagina. And since it is extremely important for pleasure, “washing it away” completely may not be a smart thing to do. The same goes for bathtubs: in addition to “drying out” your natural lubrication, you may not be able to apply lubricant while you’re in the tub, even if you try.
This will result in friction-filled penetration, which can be extremely uncomfortable and even break the condom if you’re using one. As a consequence, you will be unprotected against unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Moreover, the friction caused by penetration can lead to vaginal fissures, leaving your intimate area vulnerable to bacteria.

So, how about inviting your partner for a waterfall, pool, or bathtub with plenty of sensual play, but keeping the sex out of the water?

Use the dives to build some sexual tension and make things even spicier when you get to the bedroom!

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