Know 10 signs that you are pregnant besides a missed period

Know 10 signs that you are pregnant besides a missed period. Photo: Pexels
Know 10 signs that you are pregnant besides a missed period. Photo: Pexels

Some signs of pregnancy may appear up to a week before a missed period. Thus, if you have noticed unexpected changes in your body, it is worth paying attention and urgently scheduling a pregnancy test.

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With information from “Slice”, check out ten common symptoms in women that may indicate an impending pregnancy.

10 signs of pregnancy beyond a missed period

1 — Headaches

According to a medical review published by the “National Library of Medicine”, 39% of women experience headaches during pregnancy or postpartum. Just like in the breasts, headaches are the result of hormonal changes.

2 — Nausea

Nausea is a classic symptom of pregnancy that can appear before a delayed period, but it is more common from the sixth week of pregnancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it can affect up to 70% of pregnant women.

4 — Excessive fatigue

If in recent days all you seem to want to do is take naps and lie down, you might be pregnant. This is because generating a fetus requires a lot of energy and calories.

3 — Breast sensitivity

Although they are classic symptoms of the menstrual period, sensitivity, pain or heaviness in the breasts can also indicate that you are pregnant. This occurs due to a wave of hormones during the beginning of pregnancy.

5 — Food cravings

According to the portal, new pregnant women tend to crave mixes of sweet and salty foods. In addition, it is common for them to desire fast metabolizing foods, such as pasta and bread.

6 — Implantation bleeding

Often confused with menstruation, implantation bleeding usually occurs between 10 and 14 days after conception, when the fertilized egg implants into the uterine lining.

7 — Bloating

The progesterone produced from the beginning of pregnancy can slow down your digestive system, which causes bloating.

8 — Mood swings

Thanks to the increase in hormone levels, crying over small things, having fits of rage, and getting easily irritated can be symptoms of premenstrual tension (PMT), but they can also indicate pregnancy.

9 — Tingling in the nipples

Pregnancy hormones increase blood flow to the breasts, which can result in tingling in the nipples as one of the first signs of pregnancy.

10 — Frequent urination

The urgency to urinate many times a day is a sign of pregnancy that appears still in the first trimester. This occurs thanks to the increase in hormones that result in increased blood flow to the pelvic region and kidneys.

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