Looking at pictures of your loved one can increase your love; understand how

Looking at pictures of your loved one can increase your love; understand how. Photo: Pexels
Looking at pictures of your loved one can increase your love; understand how. Photo: Pexels

Do you feel that the love you have for your partner has been stronger before? If yes, you might be looking for ways to reignite the flame between you. Fortunately, a new study has found a simple solution: looking at pictures of your loved one.

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Published in the “Journal of Psychophysiology”, the study suggests that it is normal for passion and love to “cool down” over time in a long-term relationship. However, visual representations of a partner can revive romantic feelings.

Study: looking at pictures of your loved one can increase your love for them

To reach the results, the small study involved 25 married people about 34 years old as participants. The respondents provided 50 pictures of their spouses, which were divided into two groups of 25 each. The researchers also selected an additional 25 random pictures of neutral situations and 50 pleasant pictures.
Then, the participants answered questions about the people they were married to and filled out scales, assessing the intensity of passion, attachment, marital satisfaction, and perceptions about love regulation.

While their brain activity was measured in an electroencephalogram, the respondents participated in a new task that involved activities such as reflecting on something positive about their spouses while looking at the provided images or reflecting on the pleasant images chosen by the researchers.

After the end of the previous stages, the participants were again asked to assess their level of attachment and passion for their spouses, as well as their marital satisfaction. The data showed that the participants felt “more passionate and attached and more satisfied with the marriage after seeing spouse photos than pleasant or neutral photos,” as detailed by “Slice”, where the information comes from.

This means that looking at pictures of your partner, compared to happy pictures of strangers or neutral photos, has the potential to increase your feelings of love, attachment, and satisfaction in your relationship.

Although the study was small, it might be a good idea to use this technique to rekindle your feelings for the person you are married to. For this, you can put a picture of them on your cell phone’s background and spread picture frames throughout the house and your workplace.

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