New genetic test assists in the treatment of recurrent vaginal discharge

Novo teste genético auxilia no tratamento de corrimento vaginal recorrente
Novo teste genético auxilia no tratamento de corrimento vaginal recorrente. Foto: pexels

Vaginal discharge is a common feature of the female body. However, the subject still raises questions.

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Although it is normal, certain factors such as odor, color, and recurrence can be a warning sign for women’s health. Therefore, it is important to pay attention and be able to differentiate them.

According to Dasa, Brazil’s largest network for integrated healthcare, one of the main reasons women seek gynecological care is recurrent vaginal discharge. Recurrence occurs because the common treatment is based on limited tests such as bacterioscopy and culture of vaginal secretion.

To advance the diagnosis, Dasa Genômica has developed a test for genetic sequencing of the vaginal microbiota, using precision medicine to better understand the patient’s microbial community. Personalized information promises to help with the proper gynecological treatment recommendations.

Adriana Campaner, gynecologist at Dasa, explains that the test is performed using a vaginal swab. “The gynecologist can collect the sample along with the Pap test, for example, by taking samples in two separate containers.

The vaginal microbiome will help in personalizing the treatment of patients and, in turn, in solving recurrent discharge,” she says.

The importance of the test

Alessandro Silveira, consultant for genomics of microorganisms in the company, explains that the technology of the new test is the same as that used for the genetic sequencing of human genetics.
The main focus is on a more thorough evaluation of the microbial community as a whole to better understand its impact on clinical manifestations.

The microorganisms in the area are an important part of the defense of the vaginal mucosa, as they maintain the necessary acidity to combat aggressive and pathogenic agents that could affect intimate health and well-being. “Recurrent candidiasis is a very common problem and affects the quality of life of women.

There is also another common clinical condition: vaginoses. These arise due to an imbalance in healthy vaginal microbiota due to an overgrowth of microorganisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis,” explains Alessandro in detail.

Finally, the genomics consultant emphasizes: “We know that there are several types of microbiota. We can count them from one to five, and depending on the type, it is possible to determine whether the patient is more susceptible to these infections.

Having this more detailed knowledge is essential to assist doctors in decision-making, as they will have a full understanding of what is happening with the patients, reducing the chances of recurrence.

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