Polyamorous couple talk about aphrodisiac foods

Bella Mantovani. Photo: Instagram reproduction
Bella Mantovani. Photo: Instagram reproduction

The couple who follows polyamory found in aphrodisiac foods the secret to increasing libido and energy

Bella Mantovani, 31, and Vagner, 34, are a couple that challenges traditional conventions of romantic relationships. They have embraced a free lifestyle, where freedom and individuality are valued above all else. Recently, they openly shared their belief in the power of aphrodisiac foods to increase libido and pleasure.

+ Watch the couple’s video dining in a moment of relaxation

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The two believe that intimacy is a continuous process of mutual discovery, and their philosophy is based on open communication and trust. For them, the key to a healthy relationship is allowing both partners to freely express their individual desires and needs.
In addition, Bella and Vagner have a particular interest in aphrodisiac foods, known for their stimulating properties. They believe that these foods can intensify sensations and trigger a more intense response. Combining their culinary knowledge and curiosity, they are always experimenting with new recipes that contain aphrodisiac ingredients such as oysters, chocolate, ginger, and pepper.

“We love eating, and at one point we thought: Why not add aphrodisiac foods to our meals? After making that decision, our life changed. We have much more desire and energy for relationships,” Bella said.

Bella Mantovani. Photo: Instagram reproduction
Bella Mantovani. Photo: Instagram reproduction

+ Watch the couple’s video dining in a moment of relaxation

For the couple, a romantic night together can turn into a real sensory experience, where the aroma, flavor, and texture of these special foods play an important role in arousal. They believe that the power of these foods goes beyond mere gastronomic pleasure, enhancing their emotional connection and increasing the intimacy they share.

“What we like to eat the most is salmon with mustard and honey sauce, and a light sprinkle of pepper, and every night we also drink ginger tea,” Vagner added.

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