Video: Eight Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s That Appear Earlier

Video: Eight Early Symptoms of Alzheimer's That Appear Earlier
Video: Eight Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s That Appear Earlier. Photo: Reproduction Tiktok @docamen

A psychiatrist issued a warning about eight risk factors that can lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s from the very beginning.

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Psychiatrist Daniel G Amen used TikTok to alert to various warning signs that can indicate Alzheimer’s disease.
The New York Times bestselling author explained the eight risk factors that people should watch out for.

He began: “Today, I want to talk about eight warning signs that your brain is having problems. Alzheimer’s disease actually begins in the brain decades before you experience any symptoms.

1 – Memory Loss

“So, the first warning sign for memory – and it’s getting worse than it was ten years ago.
“80% of people who say their memory is worse than ten years ago have an 80% chance of it continuing to worsen.”

The leading expert in brain health revealed that other symptoms include impulsivity that worsens over time, distractibility, and a bad mood.

2 – Lack of Judgment and Impulsivity

“What this likely means is that your frontal lobes, the part of the brain that supervises you, watches you, is decreasing in activity. A bit like if your pause button is going offline.

3 – Distraction

“Third. Short attention span, distraction… Not like ADHD, which you’ve had your whole life, but it seems to be accelerating.

4 – Bad Mood

“Fourth is low mood. Depression doubles the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in women and quadruples the risk in men.”
5 – Overweight or Obesity

Dr. Amen explained that being overweight or obese can also affect the brain, and “as your weight goes up, the size and function of your brain decrease.”

6 – Low Energy

And he concluded: “That’s why I’m powering down. I don’t want to intentionally do anything that harms my brain. Having low energy, which often means reduced blood flow to the brain.”
Finally, Dr. Amen explained that blood flow issues in any part of the body can be indicative of broader circulatory problems, including in the brain.

7 – Erectile Dysfunction

He said: “Erectile dysfunction. Because if you have blood flow problems anywhere, it means they are everywhere.

8 – Chronic Insomnia

… And chronic insomnia and sleep apnea.”
The expert concluded: “If you have any of these risk factors, now is the time to take brain health seriously.”

Photo and video: Reproduction Tiktok: @docamen

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