Yellow teeth? Learn about possible causes and how to have a white smile again

Yellow teeth? Learn about possible causes and how to have a white smile again. Photo: Pexels
Yellow teeth? Learn about possible causes and how to have a white smile again. Photo: Pexels

Yellow teeth can occur for reasons such as genetics and natural aging processes — causes that go beyond lifestyle.

So, to have a white smile, it might take more than just avoiding red wine and coffee or cigarettes.

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Among the possible causes of yellowing of the teeth are dental enamel erosion, dental traumas, gum recession, and other diseases. However, there are ways to prevent the condition and have a white smile again.

What causes yellow teeth

Stain accumulation

Many products consumed daily contain a substance called chromogen, capable of “staining” the surface of the teeth. “Among the foods that contain the chemical are coffee, wine, teas, and sodas, and they are usually the culprits for yellowing of the teeth,” explains dentist Kevin Gracias. “Smoking can also stain the outer surface of the teeth.”

Dental enamel erosion

According to restorative dentistry professor Edmond Hewlett, this is the thinning of the teeth’s outer enamel, which makes the yellow layer more visible. Dental enamel erosion is inevitable, however, dietary habits can worsen it. Just like sodas, sugars, and some fruit juices, teeth grinding, dental traumas, and continuous use of some medications (like tetracycline) can also erode enamel.


It’s important to know that age also plays its role in the yellowing of teeth, just like in the skin and hair. According to Edmond, dental enamel can become more transparent as you age, making the teeth’s yellow layer more evident. This layer is called dentin, and it can darken with changes and healings of teeth over time. Dentin’s coloration can’t be altered.


In addition to the colors of the eyes and hair, teeth can also be influenced by genetics. In fact, white is not the natural color of teeth — there are different shades that appear to be naturally lighter or darker due to genetics, and some people may have teeth that appear naturally more grayish, bluish, or brownish than others.

Deteriorated modifications

“Old fillings that have discolored over time can be mistaken for tooth discoloration,” explains Edmond. When this happens, it’s possible to notice a small dark line underneath the filling.


Teeth also reflect the health of the body. Eating disorders, like bulimia, can cause tooth discoloration and erode dental enamel, negatively impacting dentin. Chemotherapy and radiation can also cause discoloration.

How to prevent teeth yellowing

• Use a toothpaste with enamel protection at least twice a day;
• Brush your teeth and floss daily;

• Avoid sodas: Cavities are mainly caused by your dietary choices — especially sugar-filled foods and drinks like sodas. “Every time you eat or drink, your teeth are ‘under attack’ from sugars and acids,” explains dentist Anna Middleton, who adds: “When they mix with plaque and bacteria, pH levels are altered.”

• Chew gum: “Sugar-free tablets and chewing gums increase the amount of saliva, which can neutralize bacterial plaque and acids, help remove food remnants, strengthen teeth, and reduce dry mouth,” reveals Anna. She recommends opting for products with xylitol, which can prevent cavities.

• Avoid dark foods and drinks: “If you still want to continue consuming drinks like coffee or red wine, use a straw to reduce the acidity that goes through your mouth,” recommends Kevin.

How to get rid of yellow teeth

Seek professional help

This might be the time to consult a dental professional for a check-up. You may benefit from a dental cleaning to remove the accumulation of stains and bacterial plaque on the outer layer of the teeth. In addition, there are professional whitening techniques that require the supervision of a dentist.

Use an electric toothbrush

Some studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing stains than manual ones.

Consider cosmetic repairs

According to Edmond, teeth whitening can be effective in treating yellowing caused by the transparency of dental enamel, but its erosion may require the restoration of the lost enamel. He indicates that porcelain teeth are commonly used in these cases.
The specialist also emphasizes that worn and yellowed fillings can be replaced by others that match the color of your current teeth.

Use whitening toothpaste

Although whitening toothpastes do not have immediate efficacy, Kailesh explains that the products can help, over the course of a few weeks, to remove mild stains caused by agents such as black tea, coffee, red wine, and cigarettes.

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