Discover which toys are best for reducing children’s anxiety

Discover which toys are best for reducing children's anxiety
Discover which toys are best for reducing children’s anxiety

In addition to having great potential for distraction—and sometimes even for learning—for children, some specific toys can play an essential role in the healthy growth of little ones.

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According to a study conducted by the National Institute for Play (NIFP)—a nonprofit organization in the United States—certain toys can be a significant asset for the mental health of your children. This information comes from the newspaper “Extra.”

For example, the Rubik’s Cube affects the frontal lobe—the brain’s executive area; dolls impact the limbic system; and stuffed animals, whose hugs can release neurotransmitters like endorphins.

Toys for childhood anxiety

According to the newspaper, children showing symptoms of anxiety can be divided into two groups: internal symptoms, repetitive thoughts causing concern for the children; and external symptoms, manifested physically through motor agitation and/or verbal behavior (nail-biting, incessant talking, excessive movement, heart palpitations, and other symptoms).
Discover which toys are best for reducing children's anxiety Fidget toys

Some toys, such as fidget toys—originally developed to assist individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)—have the ability to create a sense of comfort and calmness, stimulate well-being, and reduce stress in anxious individuals.

Furthermore, engaging in repetitive activity can help divert attention from the root of anxiety and minimize its symptoms. While these effects are observable in individuals of all ages, they are more effectively presented in children.

Therefore, if your child shows symptoms of anxiety, a simple way to promote their well-being might be by gifting them with inexpensive and effective sensory toys—such as the popular Pop It.

Images: Pexels

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