Learn How to Prevent Early Menopause

Learn how to prevent early menopause. Photo: Pexels
Learn how to prevent early menopause. Photo: Pexels

Although it is a natural factor among women, menopause concerns the majority. Usually, this period happens after 50, but some may develop symptoms early, starting from the age of 30.

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While there is no guaranteed way to prevent early menopause, some habits can alleviate the process; check out what they are below.

Drop the Vices

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for health, can alleviate menopause symptoms and prevent possible complications. To this end, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, habits that can favor the early onset of the process.


Menopause results in a decrease in estrogen levels in the body, favoring weight gain and localized fat in the abdomen, which can trigger heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, among others.
To prevent these consequences, include physical activities in your routine, such as walking, running, climbing stairs, playing tennis, and lifting weights, for example. In addition to helping prevent weight gain, these types of exercises are good for bone health and can reduce the risk and symptoms of osteoporosis, a common factor in menopause.

Add to Your Diet: Calcium and Vitamin D

Keeping calcium and vitamin D levels up to date is crucial to maintain bone density and lessen the impact of menopause. In addition to reducing the risk of osteoporosis, these nutrients also alleviate the chances of heart diseases. Add to your diet: milk, yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and salmon. Sun exposure is also essential, and, if necessary, consume supplements to meet the required amount of vitamin D or calcium.

See a Doctor

Have annual check-ups with your doctor, as some health-related factors can also trigger early menopause, such as smoking, chemotherapy, and surgery on female reproductive organs.

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