Sore Throat: 10 Foods to Alleviate the Symptom

Sore Throat: 10 Foods to Alleviate the Symptom
Sore Throat: 10 Foods to Alleviate the Symptom. Photo: Pexels

Sore throat is an adverse health condition that can reflect on well-being and impact even the simplest tasks, like swallowing saliva, eating and talking. In addition, untreated severe cases can result in complications like scarlet fever and rheumatic fever.

Not self-medicating and seeking medical help are the main steps. However, some extra measures in the diet can help alleviate the symptom. With information from “Women’s Health,” check out the following 10 foods to improve a sore throat.

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Soup, a popular recommendation from grandmothers, is indeed an ally. Doctor Cynthia Li explains that sore throats are results of inflammation and dehydration. Therefore, fluids like soup, broth, and chicken soup are good options. “Not only do they replenish lost water, but salt helps the body retain fluid within the tissue,” she points out.


Another popular and effective ingredient is honey. The natural food works “against a variety of infections, both bacterial and viral,” the doctor guarantees. However, the guidance is not to overdo it. “In larger doses, its sugar content can prevent the immune system from doing its job,” warns Li.

Natural Yogurt

With a soft texture and easy to swallow, natural yogurt “is a good source of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, as well as probiotic bacteria — beneficial germs that support immune function and prevent harmful germs from settling in our bodies,” the specialist highlights.

Potato Puree

Potatoes are sources of magnesium, vitamin C and antioxidants, an indispensable set for the immune system. Therefore, consumption is recommended by doctors and, in the form of puree, it becomes easier for those with a sore throat. However, Nate Favini, medical director at Forward, in the United States, advises to make sure that the recipe is at a good temperature, so as not to further irritate the throat.


Rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, selenium, vitamin D, and B12, eggs can act in combating the infection causing a sore throat. In this case, it is worth betting on the scrambled option, to facilitate ingestion.


Based on studies, Cynthia Li highlights that ginger has analgesic properties, in addition to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

Ice Cream

Despite being controversial, ice cream can help alleviate a sore throat and even reduce inflammation, Favini assures. However, the doctor advises avoiding options rich in sugar, as the substance can prevent the immune system from fighting infections or repairing damaged tissues.


Gastroenterologist Michelle Pearlman recommends consuming melon. Composed of 90% water, this fruit is rich in electrolytes and, therefore, promotes a lot of hydration. In addition, it is a low-sugar option and rich in vitamins C and A, which promote the immune system and prevent diseases.


Packed with fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, the apple is a natural anti-inflammatory food and also works in improving the immune system, according to Pearlman.


Lastly, Dr. Cynthia Li highlights the importance of oatmeal flour. Rich in magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants, the food acts in the body’s detoxification processes and also fights infections.

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