Woman confuses wasabi with avocado and ends up hospitalized with heart attack symptoms

Woman confuses wasabi with avocado and ends up hospitalized with heart attack symptoms. Photo: Pexels
Woman confuses wasabi with avocado and ends up hospitalized with heart attack symptoms. Photo: Pexels

Imagine a scene where you’re eating your avocado for breakfast and a few hours later, you’re in front of a doctor, presenting symptoms of a heart attack.

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This is what happened to a woman in Israel: after confusing a wasabi sauce with avocado sauce, she ended up in the emergency room with chest pains.
According to IFL Science, the woman, almost sixty years old, was at a wedding when she saw what she thought was an avocado sauce on the table.

About five minutes after eating a tablespoon of the wasabi sauce -considered a large amount- and tasting the wasabi flavor, she began to feel sudden pain and pressure in her chest, which radiated to her arms. Even though the discomfort lasted several hours, she decided to stay at the wedding, as the symptoms gradually subsided.

The next day, however, she felt uncomfortable and weak, and finally sought medical attention. Upon arriving at the emergency room, the professionals ruled out the diagnosis of heart failure. An electrocardiogram, however, showed dysfunction in the left ventricle, indicating a “broken heart syndrome“.

“Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as ‘broken heart syndrome,’ is a dysfunction of the left ventricle that usually occurs in older women after sudden intense emotional or physical stress,” explain the doctors and authors of the study reported in the BMJ Case Reports 2019. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of takotsubo cardiomyopathy triggered by wasabi,” they added. They even believe this may be the first time the condition arises after food consumption.

After being treated, the woman recovered well after being treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta-blockers. She was discharged and fully recovered within a month.

And what do I need to know about this condition?

According to IFL Science, broken heart syndrome temporarily affects the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently through the system, causing symptoms similar to a heart attack. The first case was documented over 20 years ago by Japanese researchers.
Typically, the problem is triggered by severe physical or psychological stress. It was first recognized in women who had suffered an emotionally traumatic event, such as the death of a spouse. However, it has also been documented in people experiencing all kinds of emotional trauma.

Its official name also has an unusual meaning. “The left ventricle shows global dilation with basal contraction, forming the shape of the narrow-necked jar used in Japan to trap octopuses (takotsubo)”.

It’s important to note that the condition is considered benign – although complications such as pulmonary edema and arrhythmias can occur.

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